Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Active transaction counter does not add up

I've just started having problems in a SQL 2000 database (W2K, dual cpu) where the database server just grinds to a virtual halt for 5 to 10 minutes then carries on. One thing I have noticed is the system's Total Active Transaction counter is kinda growing during the day at about 1 transaction every hour or so but, when I look at the Active Transacions at the individual database level, the Active Transactions are normally zero. The application's database registering 1 every so often (I have Performance Monitor checking every 5 seconds) but all the other, eg tempdb are zero
How can I find what the details are behind the total active transaction count
Is there a reason why the total can be different from the individual database active transaction counts
TIA - PeterPeter
DBCC LOGINFO(database_id)
If you see tranasction status =2 at the end of the list that means you have
an active transaction (has not been written to the disk yet)
Also , I'd run Profiler to find out a long running queris/stored procedures
"Peter Jones" <anonymous@.discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I've just started having problems in a SQL 2000 database (W2K, dual cpu)
where the database server just grinds to a virtual halt for 5 to 10 minutes
then carries on. One thing I have noticed is the system's Total Active
Transaction counter is kinda growing during the day at about 1 transaction
every hour or so but, when I look at the Active Transacions at the
individual database level, the Active Transactions are normally zero. The
application's database registering 1 every so often (I have Performance
Monitor checking every 5 seconds) but all the other, eg tempdb are zero.
> How can I find what the details are behind the total active transaction
> Is there a reason why the total can be different from the individual
database active transaction counts?
> TIA - Peter

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